Engagement Session at Goodnight Restaurant

Crystal Torres

May 21, 2024

Hello Friends!

It’s so exciting to be starting up again in 2024. I can’t believe I’m bringing in my 4th wedding season! I recently had the pleasure of photographing engagement photos for a lovely couple, Cyndi + Steven. I absolutely love their love story. It shows how love can find you when you truly least expect it.

We started our session at Goodnight Restaurant in Woodstock, NY. After getting some portraits there, we walked around and enjoyed the beautiful weather and scenery at the Kenneth L. Wilson campground, a place that is special to my couple. We had such a fun photo session! Keep scrolling for their love story and some highlights of their Engagement Session at Goodnight Restaurant. Thanks for stopping by!

How/where did you meet?

Cyndi’s Perspective: We met on Bumble during Summer 2020. I had come back upstate during the pandemic. I had been living in the city for over 10 years but was lonely and not meeting the right guys.  I was over the dating apps but my mom convinced me to give it another chance.  She even did all of the swiping for me! I would have never stopped on his profile because he had blurry photos.. I’m very thankful my mom helped me find him. Our first date was kayaking at a park in Woodstock that we took some of our engagement photos at.

Steven’s perspective: We matched on Bumble and she was my first dating app date ever! She was so pretty and I wasn’t sure she was a real account because she didn’t have a bio or any information on the app. I Googled her just to be sure she was real.

What made you sure that you wanted to get married?

Cyndi: Since first meeting Steven, I’ve felt a perfect combination of being at ease but also excited by the future. That first summer together, I could hardly sleep because I was just so ecstatic to see what would happen next. I had a feeling he was the one within the first few months.

Steven: I also knew early on but fall 2023 we went to Europe together was when I knew it was time.  We had so much fun on that trip and I realized that I wanted to make sure that all my future memories were with Cyndi. I knew it was time to start planning a proposal when I got home. 

How did he propose?

Cyndi: It was January 14, 2024 and exactly 3.5 years since the day we met. It was also 2 days before my birthday. We were off the coast of Saint Martin on a private boat with champagne, charcuterie, red roses – but I honestly had no idea. This was a birthday trip and I thought this excursion was a birthday gift. We were having such an amazing time – saw 2 rainbows, sea turtles swam up to our boat… I remember having a passing thought “Too bad this isn’t a proposal!” But then it actually was! He pulled out the ring at sunset. 

Steven: I knew I could catch her off guard on this trip because she would be distracted by her birthday. It downpoured right before we went on the boat but then it cleared up and the rain gave us those rainbows.

What are some of your favorite memories from your special day?

Cyndi: After we got back to the resort I was holding the roses and a bartender we had gotten to know said, “Oh! What is all of this about?” We told her, and then she had everyone cheering and congratulating us. It was surreal!

Steven: Cyndi’s initial reaction! I could tell how surprised and happy she was at that moment.


